All the Google links that I see do not address my question at all! Site/Content Settings

jackdashack Member Posts: 5 New User
There creeps in a frustration when so many people are saying in forums, I can't find my Site or Content Settings (to turn on javascript). Every answer, bar none, comes back to tell them how to get to either content or site settings. But what some of them are asking and I suspect, entertain pulling hair, NO, neither of them are there!!!! How are we to turn or activate javascript if there is not Content or Site settings showing as an option. Show me wrong. This all started when I wanted to report incorrect information on Amazon and it would not kick up javascript. Just said javascript:blank or something like that. 

Any help here for those that do not have either Content or Site Settings?  Thank you, and if you help us thank you, thank you!  jack ":-\\


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    @jackdashack what computer do you have? What OS and version is installed? I'm guessing it's a Chromebook? What happens when you select Site Settings?
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  • jackdashack
    jackdashack Member Posts: 5 New User
    Thank you for your response. Yes, an Acer Chromebook.
    OS Version 100.0.4896.64 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    (apparently chrome broswer has the same number? Version 100.0.4896.64 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    And when I select Site Settings it reports that javascript is allowed. I just did do a PowerWash on this several days ago for what I percieved was continuous connection problems, off topic, but that's not related here.

    When I click on i.e. Report Incorrect information .. on Amazon in the lower left I see 
  • jackdashack
    jackdashack Member Posts: 5 New User
    By the way you may notice somewhere in here I found the Site Settings. The only way I got to it was to right click on the 'lock' and there is was. I could not find it just going to Security & Privacy. Possibly I could now. But with that the answer I gave above I hope is information that you can use. 
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    That link is supposed to open a popup window. Do you have popups blocked?
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  • jackdashack
    jackdashack Member Posts: 5 New User
    For some reason this reply will not post. That is the full post I wan't to have here with the resolution. A transparent black message pops up on the right saying to email the ? and let them know what you were doing when this happened. This is about the 2nd times it's happened here today? Last time I saved it as a draft, then posted and it worked. This time is did not. I'll press on, if this one even will post. ????
  • jackdashack
    jackdashack Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited April 2022
    Okay, my good man billsey:

    a little egg on my face, pardon me while I go clean up. :) I mentioned that there was this item on Amazon I wanted to report incorrect info. Clicking on it, as I mentioned, did nothing. Opening the link in a new window reported "java~ ://# b l o c k e d" . . . so I should have done this earlier and saved you valuable time. This is what I did. I went to another page with a different item, clicked on "Report incorrect information" and . . . it worked. For some reason they have a broken link there OR, they do not want to hear anything more about the wrong info. Take your pick. But, after the flags reset that link is still "blocked" or won't work. Others do. The problem was with that partic java link. (apparently my issue with posting was the word j a v a s c r i p t spelled out in quotes. It worked now)

    I apologize for not working through that myself. That's not usually the way I go about getting things solve I usually do "all" I can before bothering someone in a forum. Many thanks for your expert time taken for this issues. jackdashack ":-Dx
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    I believe they filter for spammers trying to embed code in the HTML, which is likely why that word is blocked... Your theory for what's going on with that Amazon link is reasonable. :)
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