Brand new Nitro 5. Screen fails to turn on.

Tallmaan84 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2022 in Nitro Gaming
Hey lovely folks,

So I received my BRAND new Acer Nitro 5 with 11th gen i7, RTX 3050 Ti,  16Gb Ram (DDR4?). I received the unit two days ago. When I press the power button, the keyboard lights up, the blue light on the right lights up, but nothing happens. If I press and hold the power button, it “shuts off”. Doing this a couple of times will eventually get the Acer loading screen and the computer runs like a monster. I haven’t really tried booting with it plugged in (or I can’t remember). Battery charges and holds a charge. Like I said, once it boots, this thing is a monster! I haven’t tried the battery reset trick yet, but this is frustrating as I deploy here very soon. I plan on calling Acer, but am not near the computer atm. Any advice would be appreciated! 


  • Tallmaan84
    Tallmaan84 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Well, I got home and contacted Acer Support. They were of little help. The newest Nitro 5 model AN515-57-74TT does NOT have a battery reset button. So essentially you will need to hold down the power button for 1 minute (at least that how long I held it). Once I let go, I pressed the power button and viola! Also found the Insyde firmware update and preformed that. Going to keep this post up so people who purchase new laptops and have this issue can try what I did.

    TL:DR-Unplug AC power and hold power button down for at least one minute. It worked for me.
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @Tallmaan84,

    Initially charge the unit for the 8-10 hrs and check the issue.