Where can I find the CRISIS Utility Package for ACER N19C3 - model #A515-43-R19L (Aspire 5)?

psychobunny Member Posts: 12


I somehow bricked my laptop while updating the BIOS (yes, foolish but that ship has sailed).  I've received a reply to the problem of how to flash a replacement BIOS (THANKS!) but the process requires the CRISIS Utility Package for ACER N19C3 - model #A515-43-R19L (Aspire 5)?  I don't know where to locate it.

Thanks in advance.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The proper terminology is that the 'ship has sunk'.  :)

    The crisis disk is simply a FAT32 formatted stick with an activity LED and the flash filename "EH5LPx64.fd" as the only file on the stick. This binary file is embedded in the compressed Windows flash utilities at this link.  If it were mine, I'd chose the factory BIOS version if it's still available on the download link.

    The downloaded compressed file should be unzipped on a different Windows machine. The unzipped folder should contain at least one Windows EXE executable file and one other binary file with the FD, ROM, BIN or WPH filename extensions. If this other binary is not found, then the Windows EXE file must be further run to extract the other binary.

    This binary must be re-named EH5LPx64.fd . if not already name that way. Isflash.BIN is often the filename that must be re-named Then copied to the root directory of the FAT32 stick. It must be the only file on the stick.

    The laptop must be off and plugged in preferrably with the battery fully charged. Insert the stick. Then press and hold the FN+ESC keys. While still holding the keys, turn the laptop on. If the BIOS boot section is still intact, the fan & stick LED activity should start. Then you can release the keys. If successful, the laptop should automatically shut down after about 5 mins.

    If unsuccessful, try the same procedure at least two more times.

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Thanks for the suggestions , JackE but the ship HAS sunk, I think. Followed all instructions but no joy. The activity light on the USB flash drive doesn't blink once even though I've tried it in all three USB ports. Did find a "Isflash.bin" after executing the BIOS update .exe and looking at TEMP after it failed. Renamed it, copied to a freshly FAT32formatted USB drive, inserted, FN+ESC, power on - nothing. Even tried taking off the back and disconnecting the battery and unplugging the CMOS battery (and plugging it back in). Unsuccessful. Any other suggestions???
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Rename EH5LPx64.fd  to  EH5APx64.fd .

    Jack E/NJ

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    If talking about .fd files, "freshly FAT32formatted USB drive" need to format for UEFI and GPT. Rufus or Gparted can do this.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Sorry no. Low level rudimentary boot section of BIOS relies on reading flash file from an ordinary MBR partitioned FAT32 formatted stick using FN+ESC. Almost like autoexec or autorun similar to DOS. This is not an operating system installation from an iso file for UEFI bootstrap mode.

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Well, I've tried all the permutations - different formatting choices, different USB slots, disconnecting the battery and running from the charger only, changing the name of the BIOS file - etc.  Nothing works, the activity light on the USB stick doesn't blink even once under any of the circumstances I have tried.  After the FN+ESC the fan goes full each time so something in there but it's just not accessing the USB stick. I suspect that the Low Level boot section got pronged somehow.  So it turns out that the "stupid tax" for trying to upgrade the BIOS is the cost of a new laptop.  I did that this afternoon.  Thanks for playing everyone - really.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>trying to upgrade the BIOS is the cost of a new laptop>>>

    Is it still under warranty? This should be covered. If not, out of warranty BIOS repair should  be about $100.

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Out of warranty for sure.  $100??? Really?  How much time will it take do you think?
  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    OK - started ACER repair process.  Thanks again.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    If you got a screen, not a black screen, then the BIOS is likely OK. Windows however may not. 

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Just tried again - completely black screen with no activity whatsoever and no activity light on the USB stick when doing the FN+ESC salute.  I cancelled the Amazon order for another one and started a repair ticket at Acer.  They promise to get back to me once they triage my request.  Laptop is all bundled up with original equipment and ready to go back once they get me the RMA.  I'll let you all know how it goes.
  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Here's what I got from the Acer folks this morning...

    Thank you for contacting Acer. We understand it can be frustrating when a product does not function properly, and we apologize for the inconvenience. We have received your request for repair; however, we are unable to complete your request online. The standard fee for out of warranty repair of this model is currently $249.99 USD plus any applicable local tax amount that will need to be pre-authorized on a credit card prior to confirming service. If you would like to set up a repair, you may contact us by phone at (866)658-2237 Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 CST. We look forward to assisting you further.


    Instead of sending Acer $250 + Tax + Shipping - I'll purchase another laptop and order the $18 BIOS flash programmer and try to resurrect it myself.

    More once I try to reprogram the BIOS using the little 8 pin clip.  We'll see.

    Replacement laptop comes on Thursday.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>I somehow bricked my laptop while updating the BIOS>>>
    >>>OK - started ACER repair process.  Thanks again.>>>

    Did you specifically ask  "How much to fix a failed BIOS firmware update."?  The fee used to be about  $100 to re-flash.

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    Yes - not in those words but indicated that I there was a failed BIOS update.  I think I'll get the $11 EPROM burner for BIOS chips and do it myself.  The replacement laptop comes from Amazon today.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    edited March 2022
    Good luck. Let us know how you make out with the CH341a. Users have had mixed results with them but had fun playing with them anyway. :)

    Jack E/NJ

  • psychobunny
    psychobunny Member Posts: 12


    It's only $15 to try so I thought why not?  I've programmed EPROMs before (Ages ago) and I've got nothing to lost besides the $15.  Is the CH341a the BIOS chip used in the Aspire 5?  Thanks.