PO3-620 CPU cooler upgrade tips?

PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
edited November 2021 in Predator Desktops

So I upgraded to an i9 10900F , and all good, but when I work hard in 3 different apps to do graphics, I feel that I could need a bit better CPU cooler. Is there any what fits my system, and I don't have to take the mobo out for a back plate? Something I just screw in, works, and a bit better than the one came with the computer?


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    There are a lot of threads on CPU cooler mods. What makes you think you are running too hot? What CPU temperatures are you seeing? No reason to fix it if it's already running in the right range...
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  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    billsey said:
    There are a lot of threads on CPU cooler mods. What makes you think you are running too hot? What CPU temperatures are you seeing? No reason to fix it if it's already running in the right range...
    In some cases I have it around 80 celsius. I'm not sure if I applied the paste okay or not, or that the i9 10900 F is a warmer CPU than the i7 I had in it before. For some reasons it's also using too much CPU since I upgraded to windows 11, so who knows, maybe I should reinstall windows too.
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited November 2021
    Only 80C when in full load? Maybe run a stress test like Intel Burn Test and keep an eye on PredatorSense or some other temp monitoring program? I bet CPU temps get higher than 80 and your CPU starts throttling.

    Getting a better cooler like Noctua NOCTUA NH-U9S should lower your temps quite a bit. As an added bonus your PC would run quieter.

    EDIT: Not sure reinstalling Windows will have any effect on CPU usage.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    GotBanned said:
    Only 80C when in full load? Maybe run a stress test like Intel Burn Test and keep an eye on PredatorSense or some other temp monitoring program? I bet CPU temps get higher than 80 and your CPU starts throttling.

    Getting a better cooler like Noctua NOCTUA NH-U9S should lower your temps quite a bit. As an added bonus your PC would run quieter.

    EDIT: Not sure reinstalling Windows will have any effect on CPU usage.
    Reinstalling Windows 11 could have an effect on CPU usage, it still has serious bugs. An update ago, if you changed to a specific theme with transparency effect (what I generally don't use but still), one Windows component went crazy on CPU and I just had around 20% CPU usage while simply doing nothing but watching the task manager. With the sound I never had a problem on my PO3-620, it's super quite, my loudest part is a laptop HDD I installed on my second hdd slot to recover some data.
    Well 80 plus celsius is a lot for something I didn't had with the i7 cpu on win 10 by doing the same stuff with the same apps. The coolers never started to run faster, it never got louder. Now I open Adobe Photoshops with like 2-3 PSD file and I draw with a display tablet in one, while I copy paste some vectors from Illustrator to Photoshop, meanwhile I listen to spotify and I got a few tabs open on Edge, what yes it's a load considering that at that moment I use around 20 plus Gb of memory due to large and sophisticated PSD files.
    But still with the i7 10700 and win 10 I never heard a single roar from the coolers. This is why I think that the i9 10900 F must be a stronger but much warmer CPU. Or Windows 11 still has bugs, or I didn't reinstalled windows after upgrading the CPU and I could have an overwritten driver for it in windows, because it did installed some related stuff twice. Or I screwed the paste on the CPU after 3 beers, or all this together.
    But okay, so let's say I add another App in the mix tomorrow, because I will teach some students online so I will need to share somehow a Screen or at least a stream while I talk to like 30 students while all this opened than what will happen? I think I put my lunch in the case so until I finish the class it will be ready cooked meal 😂😂😂
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Yes I followed you discussion with the guy installing the NOCTUA NH-U9S, but that is what I don't want to do, to take everything in, both the mobo, put a back plateand put everything back. Mine is totally loaded with all kind of cables connecting hdd's, etc. since I need a lot of space for my work, so take all that out, fix it, put everything back is just too much for me, especially because If it's not a must I don't want to take out the mobo until I  upgrade it for one supporting a next gen CPU and memory. So What I need is something like I take screws out, put cooler in, put screws back, turn on and works.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Anyways, what I will try out is changing the glass panel back to the metal one, If I remember good, it has some holes on it's side in front of the cpu cooler, so that must be an extra place for her to breathe.
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited November 2021
    Good to know. I'm still on Win 10 and will be for quite a while until win 11 matures 1st. ^^

    There are many threads about replacing the cooler. Maybe you have missed the one where "Frankow" shows that there's no need to take off the mobo and the backplate?

    All you need to do is to take out the original cooler and place plastic standoffs before you can install the rest. You will also need four machine screws M3x12 and you are good to go. Below are few pics that pretty much explain what is to be done. Pics were originally posted on a Finnish tech site.

    But if your CPU doesn't start throttling when at full load, and it is not too noisy... no real need to to anything?
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    GotBanned said:
    Good to know. I'm still on Win 10 and will be for quite a while until win 11 matures 1st. ^^

    There are many threads about replacing the cooler. Maybe you have missed the one where "Frankow" shows that there's no need to take off the mobo and the backplate?

    All you need to do is to take out the original cooler and place plastic standoffs before you can install the rest. You will also need four machine screws M3x12 and you are good to go. Below are few pics that pretty much explain what is to be done. Pics were originally posted on a Finnish tech site.

    But if your CPU doesn't start throttling when at full load, and it is not too noisy... no real need to to anything?
    Woow, you can link the discussion here? I think I would do this, but don't know from where to get those plastic standoffs and how large they should be?
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    The plastic standoffs are included. They come with the cooler! HERE's one of the many threads about replacing the cooler.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    GotBanned said:
    The plastic standoffs are included. They come with the cooler! HERE's one of the many threads about replacing the cooler.
    Thanks! Wow, super easy! It was so hard how the other dude did with his pc by taking out mobo, etc. But this looks really easy! I think I do this.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Dude, they have it now on black! And tomorrow it's black friday in my country, so let's see, maybe if I buy it, I will make a how I did it in a very complicated PO3-620.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    That would be great, every time a thread is marked solved it bumps it up in the search algorithms, making it easier for other to find. I wouldn't spend much time trying to reinstall the OS, just roll back if W11 is still throwing errors or sucking up resources. 80C is actually about ideal for full bore gaming, you won't see throttling for several more degrees.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    billsey said:
    That would be great, every time a thread is marked solved it bumps it up in the search algorithms, making it easier for other to find. I wouldn't spend much time trying to reinstall the OS, just roll back if W11 is still throwing errors or sucking up resources. 80C is actually about ideal for full bore gaming, you won't see throttling for several more degrees.
    Well before investing more money in it, I tried to repaste it and to use it with the alu panel not the glass one, maybe it's enough. If not I maybe try it, but I don't know if it isn't to heavy for the mobo without a backplate? Like I wouldn't sacrifice it for this reason.
  • PrskMate
    PrskMate Member Posts: 69 Devotee WiFi Icon
    About rolling back to win 10, I wouldn't do that, it's okay, they fixed many issues already on 11, and overall I like it. Yes it has bugs, but not more than most of the win 10 versions, so basically it's totally the same if you deal with a win 10 or 11 bug. Even with hardware related issues, I mean win 10 had periods too when for example plugging in a wacom tablet meant instant blue screen.