Nitro 5 AN515-52 Random freezes where screen goes black with a single white line at the bottom?

FabianVS96 Member Posts: 7 New User
edited September 2021 in Nitro Gaming
Basically title, I have an Acer Nitro 5 AN515-52-56 HV, for the last month, every once in a while my laptop will just freeze with the screen going black except for a single white horizontal line at the bottom of the screen. This happens abruptly and for no apparent reason, at first I thought it ocurred while I left videos in reproduction, but I've caught a couple instances where it doesn't happen.

Help appreciated, thanks beforehand

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru

    Are you getting the same line in BIOS page also. Plz check and update.
  • FabianVS96
    FabianVS96 Member Posts: 7 New User
    The line doesn't stay, when the PC freezes, the screen goes black and the line appears at the bottom

    After that happens, I hard shutdown the laptop, and once I turn it back on, everything's normal

    I'll take a picture of it with my phone if it happens again
  • FabianVS96
    FabianVS96 Member Posts: 7 New User
    Update: It happened again :( you can see the thin white line at the bottom, had to hard shutdown and restart once again. It happened out of the blue