More re transferring audio-files from internal Drive D into DAW etc. Aspire Desktop TC-895-EB11.

Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon
As so advised in earlier Acer Community posts, -having the External HD (with all the audio-files that I want to edit etc.) plugged into the front USB 3.1 port -I booted up the Aspire Desktop TC-895-EB11.

From the "This PC" icon I was able to open both "BIG DRIVE 1 (E:)" (which is one of the partitions in the 2TB External HD that has the audio files in File folders that I want to edit etc.), -and "New Volume (D:)" (which is the internal X4 NVMe SSD that is most suitable for audio).

And as advised in an earlier Acer Community post, I had both  "BIG DRIVE 1 (E:)" and "New Volume (D:)" windows opened side by side.

I then was able to copy & drag the specific audio file folders from  "BIG DRIVE 1 (E:)" into the "New Volume (D:)" window. These audio files sure didn't take as long to transfer as such things did in the older machine I was working with, but it does take a bit of time.

-I successfully copied & dragged the four 2020 & 2021 audio file folders that I had into the internal x4 NVMe SSD, ( "New Volume (D:)" ) -one at a time.

-My troubles weren't over yet however, I then ran into a bit of a snag.......

When I double left click on  the "This PC" icon -and then go to the left side of the "This PC" window and go down the list of drives etc. to "New Volume (D:)" -and then left click on that, I get a "New Volume (D:)" window -with the four 2020 & 2021 audio File folders, (-that I had previously copied & dragged into the  "New Volume (D:)" window -from the "BIG DRIVE 1 (E:)" window.)

-Then when I double left click on say the first 2021 "#2nov2020withredo" File folder -
-I get a "This PC  >  New Volume (D:)  >  #2nov2020withredo > "  window
-and this reveals the original name of the original project -as I had it titled on the Radar 24 audio recorder, " MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR "

When I double left click on "MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR" -
-I get a "This PC  >  New Volume (D:)  >  #2nov2020withredo  >  MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR "  window -with this list;
Name                                                          Date modified                                     Type                                 Size

[ ]  Audio Files                                              2021-08-30 4:21 AM                          File folder 
[ ]  Disk Info Files                                          2021-08-30 4:15 AM                         File folder
[ ]  Project Info Files                                     2021-08-30 4:15 AM                          File folder
[ ]  RADAR System Files                                 2021-08-30 4:15 AM                          File folder

-When I double left click on " [ ] Audio Files " -I get this very long vertical list of little bit -wav files under "Name" starting with 000000b6.wav, 000000e4.wav  -to 0001b7a0.wav and to 0001b7a1.wav -etc.,etc., to  0001b999.wav and to 0000002c.wav ---all the way to 00827995.wav

This makes some sense to me,.... -The original audio project was done on a 24 track audio recorder, -so the original project screen layout was of these 24 tracks presented horizontally -showing some graphic representation of the audio in these various 24 tracks -and time lengths etc.

However, -when I right click on " MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR " -on the "This PC  >  New Volume (D:)  >  #2nov2020withredo >" window -I get another list;
Open in new window
Pin to Quick access                  
Give access to                        >
Restore previous versions
Bitdefender                             >
Include in Library                    >
Pin to Start                                
Send to                                   > 
Create shortcut

Then, when I left click on Open -I get the "This PC  >  New Volume (D:)  >  #2nov2020withredo  >  MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR "  window again -with its same list ;
Name                                                          Date modified                                    Type                                 Size

[ ]  Audio Files                                              2021-08-30 4:21 AM                          File folder 
[ ]  Disk Info Files                                         2021-08-30 4:15 AM                          File folder
[ ]  Project Info Files                                     2021-08-30 4:15 AM                          File folder
[ ]  RADAR System Files                              2021-08-30 4:15 AM                          File folder

When I try clicking on "[ ]  Audio Files" again I just keep getting this "Groove Music" window -where it says, "My Music"  -Songs    Artists    Album -and then it says, "Nothing to show here. Try another filter."

-This was a dead end (at first), -when I would get to this "Groove Music  -Nothing to show here.Try another filter" window, I found that I couldn't even get out of this window with nothing responding to mouse commands I would resort to Restarting the computer and go back to the "This PC" ICON and trying again.

-Earlier in the day I was trying these sorts of things and I found then that I could click on a play-engine or something similar -and then click on PLAY, ( I plugged headphones into the green socket in the back of the Desktop and was able to hear audio ).-then I could click on any of the thousands of the 0000002c.wav type bit-wavs -and I could hear a little we bit of the song depending on what track I chose. On the first track (the vocal track) -each bit-wav would contain perhaps one line of the song.

For whatever reason, while trying to type some of this post the "Groove Music" window -where it says, "My Music"  -Songs    Artists    Album -and then says, "Nothing to show here. Try another filter." -suddenly changed and went black, -with an audio symbol and the numbers of one of those many 0000002c.wav type bit-wavs. by clicking on this I found that I could hear the audio -even though it's only a we little amount. -But I'm not yet able to make anything much more of this.  

I would like to be able to review these songs normally and listen to them from start to finish of course.

The other thing, most importantly is figuring out how to get this audio into one of those DAW software Apps so that I can begin editing

It may be that I will need to get this audio into one of those DAWs before I will be able to listen to anything -normally......-though there could very well be steps to be taken where I could become able to listen to the music properly right out of the drive ?

I'll try again tomorrow, I find it extremely difficult experimenting around while also trying to write an Acer blog post. -Things are disappearing & appearing on the screen while I write posts and when I'm just investigating I find myself forgetting details that I would wish included in a post.

I'm getting closer to my goal, -but it seems that there could be a lot more to go through before I'll be editing audio.....


Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    It sounds like you will need to use the daw which made the directory structure to listen 'normally' as the timings and layers (the meta data) will be stored else where, which will be impossible for us to help with! 

    It may be possible to do something vuagly similar using a groove playlist, but the time needed and terrible gaps / transitions between waves I just couldn't recommend it as a good solution. Best option I can suggest is install the music production program and import the project so it can handle everything for you :) 
  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Leostat said:
    It sounds like you will need to use the daw which made the directory structure to listen 'normally' as the timings and layers (the meta data) will be stored else where, which will be impossible for us to help with! 

    It may be possible to do something vuagly similar using a groove playlist, but the time needed and terrible gaps / transitions between waves I just couldn't recommend it as a good solution. Best option I can suggest is install the music production program and import the project so it can handle everything for you :) 

    Leostat thanks for your reply-post,

    I think that you are likely correct. 

    I did at some point see a certain Playback option (that might have worked on the Groove window) but when I went back to check it out later I could no longer find it there. -I will likely need to go through that whole process again in order to find it again,...-sometimes I can never seem to find these sorts of things again....

    -What I'm trying to accomplish here is to copy & drag the same audio File folders into different DAW software programs. 
    -Since the Reaper Cockoo & Cakewalk by BandLab DAWs seem to both be fully installed, activated & functional -I'll likely start out trying out their comparative editing capabilities -on the same audio work -and then compare their overall merits.

    The many thousands of the 0000002c.wav type bit-wavs -on the very long vertical list of little bit -wav files under "Name" starting with 000000b6.wav, 000000e4.wav  -to 0001b7a0.wav, 0001b7a1.wav -etc.,to  0001b999.wav, 0000002c.wav -all the way to 00827995.wav represent the various audio on tracks (in sequence) & their place in time.

    -I'm concerned because the old RADAR 24 that the audio project comes from -had a Project screen page that could contain several hours of 24 tracks of audio.  

    -In the File-folder that I was checking out,  " #2nov2020withredo  >  MAY Triplets LV_01-24_RADAR "   I had many different prototype versions of the long version of the same song, all with differing intros, interludes, bridges, and codas -and three different guitar tracks to choose from, -so all of these variations were arranged on the Project page side by side in threes so that I could easily compare everything.
    (-These arrangements are also logged on paper.
    -There is a lot of audio in this audio-project File folder -it was full up......

    It remains to be seen whether I will be able to copy & drag all of this digital audio into one of these DAWs.

    -I may very well need to "Highlight" only a certain number of the many thousands of the 0000002c.wav type bit-wavs -on the very long vertical list of little bit -wav files under "Name" -and then copy & drag it into a DAW. 
    -Perhaps 000000b6.wav to 0000002c.wav would constitute one full comparative triplet of all 3 guitar track arrangements etc.....                                                        -Actually,  000000b6.wav to 0000002c.wav would more probably constitute only the Vocal tracks of all 3 guitar track arrangements etc. 
    I may need to do some experiments to that end.......

    Otherwise I now must check out whatever the DAW makers have for support & perhaps check out some music blogs re digital recording & prod.  

    If anyone has any DAW recommendations I would sure like to know about them. Right now I have a priority in finding the DAW that can most easily accommodate my large Radar 24 files -that I still haven't finished comping & editing etc.

    I do believe between the Reaper & the Cakewalk by BandLab DAWs -I should find something that will accept the Radar 24 24 tr audio Files.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,462 Trailblazer
    The other thing is found in setting under Default Apps. I bet the Music Player setting is Groove. Try changing that to what you really want to open the wav files.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon
    billsey said:
    The other thing is found in setting under Default Apps. I bet the Music Player setting is Groove. Try changing that to what you really want to open the wav files.
    Hi billsey thanks for your reply/post,

    As soon as time allows today I shall look into the various "Music Player" settings found under "Default Apps".

    -I'll just have to experiment around a bit with these to see how it affects what wav files are opened etc.

    I do believe that I recall that the click-option I saw before was called, "Music Player", "Music Player something"  or something similar. 
    -This option was found somewhere upon the Groove window itself.

    I will report back with my findings.

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon
    1espiort said:
    The information contained in this manual is subject to Video and audio connectors  Select Remove files and clean the drive if you are not keeping.
    Hi 1espiort,

    Could you have sent your reply/post to the wrong Comment ?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,462 Trailblazer
    @Thrip that was likely a spambot with misconfigured settings, so the spam link wasn't included in the nonsensical words. :)
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • EDSX
    EDSX Member Posts: 9


    I enjoyed reading this post, because I'm embarking on something similar. I HAVE A TC-780 that died on me Friday night due to a failed cpu upgrade (from it to i7), and I just purchased my new TC-875 last night as a replacement for it. As such, I am currently in the process of transferring files over from the old hard drive to the new SSD drive in the new machine.
    Like yourself I run a personal recording studio setup in my computer. I use PreSonus Studio One version 5 for my DAW in conjunction with a Presonus Studio 192 as my sound card (connected by USB 3.0), and stream live broadcasts as an online DJ to my radio station site at using the Virtual DJ Pro program. Both Studio One and Virtual DJ have created a lot of music and configuration files I hope to successfully transfer over to the new M.2 SSD in the new machine. I appreciate the information you have given above, I'll be watching and being careful as I transfer my information and files over.