Turbo Boost Button, Predator Sense and Acer Care Center not install on my Predator Helios 300

glauco123 Member Posts: 11


edited August 2021 in Predator Laptops
I have an Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53, version that comes with Linux. I always installed Windows on it and it never gave a problem.

However, after sending it to Acer technical support and replacing the motherboard, Predator Sense does not install, Acer Care Center does not install, TurboBoost button does not work. I saw that several people on the internet had this problem, but none of their solutions worked for me, I've tried everything, it seems the only alternative is to send what just arrived for warranty, but as my model came with Linux I don't know if it is fit.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Already tried:
1. Update information in regedit
2. Updating or Downgrading BIOS
3. Switch Windows to previous versions
4. Try previous versions of Predator Sense (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 with several different builds)
5. Install directly from APPXBUNDLE file
6. Install TurboBoost drivers directly from the acer website

My BIOS information:
img1: https://prnt.sc/1qdd5j0
img2: https://prnt.sc/1qdd6b5

Problem during installation: on this computer it is not supported

Thank you all.
