Problem with antialiasing in games (Acer Nitro5 an515-44

Franco127 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited August 2021 in Nitro Gaming

I bought in the last days an Acer Nitro 5 (an515-44 with an Nvidia GTX 1650TI) and I'm honestly happy with that... BUT there's an enormous problem with antialiasing that you can see by yourself in the screenshots of F1 2020...
I tried everything in game and on NVIDIA and AMD panel but those white lines just stay flickering... and I found something similar (but clearly less important in PES 2021).

So there's a solution? Something else I can try?
'cause this thing ruins everything and the joy of play a game that this laptop fully read with high quality and high fps.

Thank you.

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • NaRa85
    NaRa85 Member Posts: 48 Devotee WiFi Icon
    I don't own the game F1 2020, but you can try to adjust the "Anti-Aliasing" from the game itself. Else, you can go into the "Nvidia Panel" to force the setting.

    Also do enable "Anisotropic Filtering" and test it since you want the best visual settings. 
  • Franco127
    Franco127 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Thank you NaRa for your answer... unfortunately I already tried all this stuff and nothing changed... this screenshots are taken with the highest antialiasing features of the game