RAM settings for PO3-600

Usz47eK Member Posts: 3 New User

I want upgraded my Acer Predator PO3-600 because 8GB RAM wasn't enough, so i buy  HyperX 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz CL16 Fury.
I know its to much speed for this setup, but i read that it shoud work at 2666MHz, but they work at 2400Mhz in dualchanel, and my question is: 
Is it possible to encrease speed to 2666MHz?????

Processor: i5 8400 
GPU: GTX 1050


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Is it this stick? : https://www.kingston.com/dataSheets/HX432C16FB3K2_16.pdf

    If so i dont belive it is possible as the Acer UEFI always just uses the JEDEC speeds :( Not sure why thoguh it would be a quick and amazing win if they were to open up support for XMP!
  • Usz47eK
    Usz47eK Member Posts: 3 New User
    Leostat said:
    Is it this stick? : https://www.kingston.com/dataSheets/HX432C16FB3K2_16.pdf

    If so i dont belive it is possible as the Acer UEFI always just uses the JEDEC speeds :( Not sure why thoguh it would be a quick and amazing win if they were to open up support for XMP!
    Yes, this its that stick's, any sugestion to check to change something?

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    I belive its not possible, I think the UEFI doesnt let you change timings or speed sorry :(

    I dont have one of the Pred desktops though so hopefully I am wrong somone can chip in if there is a way 🤞
  • Usz47eK
    Usz47eK Member Posts: 3 New User
    Leostat said:
    I belive its not possible, I think the UEFI doesnt let you change timings or speed sorry :(

    I dont have one of the Pred desktops though so hopefully I am wrong somone can chip in if there is a way 🤞
    I was checkin BIOS, and i dont see nothing. Update BIOS could help?

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    You could try but i dont think it will work, i would have expected it to make the change log if it was added :( https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/7712?b=1
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    Your memory will run at the speed of the slowest chips installed. The PO3-600 supports 2400 or 2666 MHz memory. The memory you bought is 2400 MHz memory and only supports other speeds using XMP overclocking. Your motherboard (actually it's the chipset) doesn't support XMP. Your best bet is to send it back and get 2666 JEDEC memory instead (I'm assuming the rest of the memory on the MB is 2666). A BIOS update won't help, XMP support has to be in the chipset.
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