Having problems with nitrosense - Nitro AN515-55

Moir43 Member Posts: 7


edited July 2021 in Nitro Gaming
 Over the past few weeks, everytime i run nitrosense, a program called system [ntoskrnl.exe] begins using about 4-10% of my cpu every other second. Its at 0 for one second and it spikes in the next. I've noticed that my cpu cores begin to rev and when i'm gaming it gets very loud and the laptop runs hot. If I disable nitrosense and game, ntoskrnl doesn't spike and the laptop runs cool while the fans run much softer 2. Nitrosense has always had high power consumption but normally when i minimize it the power consumption reduces.

 I've run memory diagnostic tests, scannow, chckdsk, dism, program compatibility tests, kaspersky fullscan, malwarebytes with all results returning with no issues. I decided to run other temp monitoring tools, hwmonitor and speedfan. They display the same issue as when i run nitrosense with ntoskrnl spiking and cpu revving. I'm not sure what the issue is now. My only guess is that this is happening because of one of the recent windows updates. I rollback the recent updates and tested, the issues persists so I'm not sure.

 So my questions:

Is this normal behavior when using temp monitoring tools? does system ntoskrnl behave in this way?

Is it fine to set nitrosense coolboost on and close the application? will my laptop still run as if its on coolboost without the nitrosense program open? is running nitrosense crucial or will the laptop run fine without it while gaming?

Is there any known fix for this?

My laptop model is 

Nitro AN515-55, rtx 3060, i7-10750h

Thank you.

//Edited the content to add model name.


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi Moir43,

    Uninstall and reinstall the nitro sense app.
  • Moir43
    Moir43 Member Posts: 7


    Easwar said:
    Hi Moir43,

    Uninstall and reinstall the nitro sense app.
    Yeah that was one of the first things i figured i should do, but i read that if i uninstall and reinstall the app, i'll lose the balanced [acer optimized] setting in nitrosense and i've read that several people have had issues reinstalling the app so I didn't know if i should.

    This issue is affecting all temperature monitoring tools including 3rd party ones, i'm uncertain if it'll fix the issue by just uninstalling it. Is the acer optimized setting important for the laptop to function smoothly or is it inconsequential?