Fan Speed Control and Overheating Aspire VN7-593G

HopaBomba1975 Member Posts: 5 New User
edited May 2021 in Aspire Laptops
Like many other users here, I have a problem with fan control, my problem is too low fan speeds and overheating.
I tried updating BIOS, I tried Acer tools, Nvidia tools, and 3rd party tools, I tried changing cooling policy in windows power settings.

Nothing seems to work.
It is obvious from reading this forum that ACER messed up and doesn't know how to allow manual, or properly managed auto control to its fans, or if they know, they choose not to implement it.

Is there anyone at all who managed to manually control the fans?
I'm actually thinking to open the laptop, drill the chassis with a dremel, and connect the fans to an external controller with a dial.

If no one managed to get manual fan control, can we expect ACER to do anything? or are we stuck with throttled CPU + GPU forever?

My Laptop is

Aspire VN7-593G


Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>or are we stuck with throttled CPU + GPU forever?>>>

    (1) What games or programs or apps (non-benchmark) show evidence of throttling or stuttering video behavior?
    (2) What temperatures are measured when throttling occurs?
    (3) Have you tried alternately vacuuming the air intakes ports and blowing air in the exhaust ports to loosen & clean debris accumulating on the fans and heat sink?
    (4) How long ago did you repaste the heat sink to the CPU and discrete GPU with a quality paste like ArcticMX4 or Kryonaut?

    Jack E/NJ

  • HopaBomba1975
    HopaBomba1975 Member Posts: 5 New User
    1. In all apps, even at idle. The fans barely spin and the laptop is barely usable.
    2. 90+ I can't even touch or hold the laptop.
    3. Not yet, I will try opening it and cleaning, this doesn't change the fact I don't have fan control.
    4. I don't think it falls to the consumer to do a repaste, it's up to the manufacturer to thermally design the laptop well, and to give fan control to the user.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>3. Not yet, I will try opening it and cleaning, this doesn't change the fact I don't have fan control.>>>

    You don't have to open it. Just try vacuuming the air intake and blowing air thru air exhaust. Fan control is designed to be automatic in laptops for balancing battery & charger load control. Desktops have more flexibility in this respect. But not laptops. You may etither have a dust problem, dried out heat paste problem or both. Or maybe no problem at all if you don't yet see throttling behavior. See VN7-593G temp specs below.

    >>>4. I don't think it falls to the consumer to do a repaste, it's up to the manufacturer to thermally design the laptop well, and to give fan control to the user.>>>

    Sorry no. Re-pasting heatsinks to the CPUs/GPUs, like cleaning dust out of the fan blades and heat sink fins, is considered normal maintenance  that has to be done periodically on any machine, especially gaming laptops with processors that run hot inside relatively small case interiors vs full size gaming desktops. Anything below about 94*C is normal for gaming laptops under heavy gaming loads. 

    Jack E/NJ

  • HopaBomba1975
    HopaBomba1975 Member Posts: 5 New User
    No amount of vacuuming or repasting will change the fact that the fans spin too slowly and cannot be controlled.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Sorry. As mentioned earlier, it's automatic to conserve power and still keep temps within tolerable levels. Not designed to be controlled. There may be  non-ACER software that can over-ride this automatic behavior but not recommended.

    Jack E/NJ

  • HopaBomba1975
    HopaBomba1975 Member Posts: 5 New User
    Taking away choice from the consumer in favor of badly functioning automatic solution is a terrible design philosophy.
    I can decide better than ACER engineer if I want to conserve power or not. My laptop is plugged in most of the time, and in the long run these temperature reduce the longevity of the laptop and the battery more than the energy conserved by not spinning the fans faster.

    But maybe ACER wants to make sure the laptops are breaking down faster so we have to buy a new one.

    What 3rd party software can control the fans manually? If I can't do it with software I'm going to do it with a hardware solution, which is way more work.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    SpeedFan might work but not recommended. Firmware mods might be possible but again not recommended. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • HopaBomba1975
    HopaBomba1975 Member Posts: 5 New User
    Speedfan didn't work for me.
    Can you link me some resources for firmware mods?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Google bios mods. The risk of bricking  is high.

    Jack E/NJ