Webcam - Nitro 5 Model - an515-41-f3k8

carloss1960 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited May 2021 in Nitro Gaming
I have an Acer Nitro 5 Model - an515-41-f3k8 laptop with a webcam that isnt working. Have seen lots of issues but no apparant fix. Device manager shows it as 'USB Boot' but when I launch camera I get 'Something went wrong' Error codes - 0xA00F4271<MediaCaptureFailedEvent> (0x80070018 ). Not sure if it's a hardware or driver problem but cannot see any drivers on the Acer support site when I put in the SNID of the laptop.

//Edited the content to add model name.


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi carloss1960,

    Reset this PC and keep my files

    1. Press and hold alt+F10 key. Then turn ON the unit.
    2. You will get a blue screen. Choose the option troubleshoot. 

    3. Select Keep my files to refresh your PC and reinstall your operating system without removing your personal files. Click Next to continue. Important If you have apps installed on your PC, they will be removed. Recovery - 25
    4. Resetting the PC will reinstall Windows, change settings back to their factory defaults and remove all preinstalled apps and programs without removing your personal files. Click Reset to continue.
    5. You will be shown the reset progress on the screen. The screen will turn off during the reset process.
    6. The screen will turn back on when it is installing Windows. Your PC will restart several times during the reset process.
    7. Follow the process until it completes.
    8. When your PC has completed the reset process, Windows will have been reset back to its factory default settings without removing your personal files.

  • carloss1960
    carloss1960 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi, I had already refreshed the Laptop back to factory as the owner wants to sell it on. I then installed all the latest updates from Microsoft. As it had been partly dismantled to fit new lid and bezel because of damage I decided to check out the camera etc . I just assumed it may have been damaged before. I did a full reset, no files to save as we wanted a clean machine, didn't connect to the web on the initial setup to avoid updates and tested the camera. It works !!!!  So this still gives a problem. While I know the camera is ok and not damaged by the refit I need to know which update is stopping it working. Any suggestions ?