Acer Aspire V5-573 Black Screen -BIOS corrupt.

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This discussion was created from comments split from: Acer Aspire V5-573 Black Screen -BIOS corrupt..


  • gholamreza
    gholamreza Member Posts: 9


    Hi dear guys,

    I have the same  problem with   Acer ASpire V5-573. During the BIOS update, something went wrong and now I'm not able to access the BIOS, I only get a black screen.

    plz help

    tnx alot

  • DreamY
    DreamY Member Posts: 5


    If you dont see any life signs, you may need to take apart the computer and reprogram the bios. I did it and it's pretty complex but i could try to help you. Try it using some key combinations and if it doesn't you need a bios programmer, i use CH341A EEPROM programmer, i recovered my Acer aspire 5315 laptop with it.