How do I open and clean the air vents? AN515-54

PPRung Member Posts: 9


edited May 2021 in Nitro Gaming
Hello everyone , I’m about to reapply thermal paste and I wanted to clean the air vents but can’t find any tutorial online. My model is AN515-54 

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • SilvaGi
    SilvaGi Member Posts: 277 Practitioner WiFi Icon
    After you very carefully remove the heatsink (its copper) with fans attached. Study the fans and attempt to remove them then use the compressed air on them. post back a pic of the dust on the fins?
    Thats what i did when i repasted and cleaned mine, no need for tutorial.
    Just get everything sealed up when installing them onto the heatsink again.
    btw, watch gamer nexus video on applying thermal paste if you want a good perspective on it.
    Good luck!
    Please Click Yes if Ive answered your question.
    Current: Custom Desktop Build (5800X, 16GB, 3070ti)
    Previous: Aspire 5 A515 44 R8RH
    (R5 4500u, 8GB, AMD Radeon Vega 6 iGPU)
    Previous: Nitro 5 AN515 55 (i7,16GB,1650ti)
    Thanks SilvaGi!

  • PPRung
    PPRung Member Posts: 9


    SilvaGi said:
    After you very carefully remove the heatsink (its copper) with fans attached. Study the fans and attempt to remove them then use the compressed air on them. post back a pic of the dust on the fins?
    Thats what i did when i repasted and cleaned mine, no need for tutorial.
    Just get everything sealed up when installing them onto the heatsink again.
    btw, watch gamer nexus video on applying thermal paste if you want a good perspective on it.
    Good luck!
    Is it okay if I remove the tape on the heatsink?