what is a cl in a ram? does it affect if both dimms are different cls?

Blood_luSt Member Posts: 3 New User
i want to upgrade ram to 32gb currently running 16gb single channel so do i have to pay attention to cls? before buying one? what is cl? cl16,cl17 and others? does it affect my previously installed memory?

Best Answer

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    CL is the Latency of the ram, it effects how "quick" it responds to a request, the lower the number the better. Its advisable to install two sticks with the same CL value to increase compatibility.

    The two sticks must be able to support the same latency to be able to work, but usually, ram can run slower to match the slowest stick


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    CL is the Latency of the ram, it effects how "quick" it responds to a request, the lower the number the better. Its advisable to install two sticks with the same CL value to increase compatibility.

    The two sticks must be able to support the same latency to be able to work, but usually, ram can run slower to match the slowest stick