Predator X34GS "Wide Mode" setting

Deku42 Member Posts: 1 New User

I'm running into an issue with the monitor not allowing Adaptive Sync set to "On" and the "Aspect" setting for the "Wide Mode" setting.

My use case: I would like to keep adaptive sync "On" for when i'm on DP1.4 connected to my computer. But I also want to be able to switch to the HDMI input connected to a Playstation 5 without the monitor stretching the 4k resolution it to fit the screen. 

Any ideas? Thanks


  • eweezy
    eweezy Member Posts: 2 New User

    I too am having this problem with a new X34 GS. Have adaptive sync set to "On", and it's great for all of my inputs that support 21:9 aspect but when I try to play my xbox, the monitor stretching occurs and would prefer it to just have a 1:1 ratio for 16:9 instead of stretching. It doesn't seem there is any other options in OBS/menu panel to change this. If I can't get this solved, I might as well return the monitor and go to an LG where I know these options are given to users as it doesn't meet my full use case. 

  • eweezy
    eweezy Member Posts: 2 New User
    Returned it for an LG. LG works great for this use case. PC and XBox are both supported well.