Aspire 6920 windows problem?

Laceyj91 Member Posts: 1 New User

So my Aspire 6920 blue screened then just wouldn't load the normal screen. I have done a bunch of random things I found on the internet including the eRecovery. After completing eRecovery, I have gotten the system to completely load like normal 3 times. Now when I turn it on, it asks for windows installaiton disks which I don't have. I just ran eRecovery again and after it successfully does the eRecovery, it goes to the disk checking black screen, then says please wait while windows sets up your computer. The SNID is too faded for me to read to get the recovery disks. Any solutions? I think I did a product registration back when I bought it, but I don't remember if they asked for SNID so I don't have a way of getting my SNID. It loaded this time and is letting me use it. Now I am afraid to turn it off. Is there any thing I should download from Acer to keep it from crashing again? 

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