Moving right along - video capture W510

Have managed to get the video capture working reliably using EasyCap. Needed the STK drivers for the EasyCap then DSCALER 4.1.15 gave hardware errors. Went to the "experimental" 4.1.19 and is working with Windows 8.


One of the pieces that had been eluding me with both Andoid and iOS was a composite video input (need for a backup camera app) but this makes it easy.


My goal is to make something I can use in a car and carry around. To use both a real GPS and the EasyCap (plus keyboard and mouse) takes a powered hub (anyone have a power spec on the mini-USB, seems pretty weak) but a 2A supply seems adequate (having a box full of assorted power supplies is handy).


Wonder if anyone is planning a 7" form factor model, is more convernient for automotive and slips in a jacket pocket.

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