My Aspire 5750 Spontaneously Ceases to Recognize the AC Adapter and Battery

Match Member Posts: 1 New User

For a few weeks now my laptop has taken to spontanteously doing either of the following:


1. It ceases to recognize that the ac adapter has plugged in - making the beeping noise that usually accompanies the ac adapter being unplugged, and the icon in the taskbar changing to reflect this. Unplugging and replugging in the ac adapter seems to have no effect, and after a period of time (ranging from seconds to several minutes, and whether or not the ac adapter has or hasn't been plugged and unplugged in that period) the charger is recognized again. 


2. The laptop no longer recognizes that a battery is present, or shows that a battery is present but has no charge (and is not charging, despite the battery having just shown a full charge, and moments later, claiming a full charge again). Like the charger, removing and replacing the battery seems to have no affect on this, and eventually the computer recognizes the battery again.


Both of these problems appeared at basically the same time. While I can still use my machine without major difficulties for the most part, occassionally, the laptop decides that it does not recognize both the ac adapter AND the battery at the same time, leading to the machine immediately turning off (as it assumes it has no power source). Starting the machine up again brings up the "Unexpected Shutdown" screen, from which I can select to start Windows Normally (which procedes fine). A less annoying case is when the computer ceases to recognize the adapter and then (falsley) recognizes that the battery is empty, it will automatically enter sleep mode. On turning the computer back on, it prompts to, "Continue with System Resume," which functions normally.

I have tried to fix the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling the driver software for the battery and ac-adapter managers, but this did not solve the problem.


Any solutions are appreciated.


  • HK53T
    HK53T Member Posts: 767 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    power board could be problem with not charging or seeing battery / adapter

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