acer 5552 hard drive quits and is not recognized by the system...

williamrlee Member Posts: 1 New User

.when 1st starts up its fine then suddenly freezes hard drive light and all..,could this be a faulty hard drive....bad controler or motherbord ??????.....or bad software!!!


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Yes, it could be one of those things.

    With the information provided, it is not possible for me to make a positive identification of what is occuring.


    My best suggestion would be to attempt to resolve the issue of software first by recovering the system to factory defaults.

    Back up all important data prior to recovering the system.


    If that fails to resolve the issue, then it would be very likely to be a hardware issue.

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