Can (and why) Acer please please please bring back pen based MS OS tablet convertible computers?

theskip Member Posts: 1 New User

  I am long time Acer TavelMate tablet fan. I cannot stand the direction that computer UI and UX has gone. As a product designer I chose Acer for the quality of the product. While there were some improvements to be made the C100 series is one of the best computers that I have ever had the pleasure to use. All hardware and software interfaces worked wonderfully and after 5 years of being faster and more reliable than any other computer it went up against and handling my abuse, both physically and in the computing environment, the backlight on the screen went out. Blah Blah Blah right? NO! 

I need a portable COMPUTER. Not an Android tablet. Not a Netbook. Not just a laptop. 

I need an on screen stylus. Not an inaccurate touch screen that only works with blunt soft dry fingers or stubby styli.

I need to run Adobe. Not download another app.

I need a hard drive and a computer that can access a hard drive through a USB port. Not just a card reader.

I need a video output VGA, HDMI, or SVGA I don't care. Not some overpriced adapter that steps down advertised performance.

I need a both real keyboard with sprung keys and a changeable onscreen keyboard. Not just an onscreen keyboard display.

I need a tablet that goes from Clipboard format to Laptop format with a keyboard and touchpad. Not a separate keyboard, or a detachable keyboard, or a folding keyboard, or a compact keyboard or ......

I need a Wacom screen interface. Not a compromise.

I need a hard drive, here-on my computer- securely with me. Not a cloud drive, not an online drive, not a dropbox, not a virtual drive, not an idrive, not an icloud, not any WiFi accessible drive. 

I need WiFi, LAN, BlueTooth, and a GPS that is not cellular based. Not one or two of these options- all of them.

I need privacy. Not speed draining information monitoring and reporting. 

I need to have FULL programs on the computer like PhotoShop, AutoCAD, InDesign. Not editors or plugins or utilities or web based interfaces.

I need hardware components and software that works together very easily like the C100. Not like the Aspire One.

I need a computer that has just the right weight about 1kg. Not too light that it is easily tossed like a magazine, Not so heavy it weighs too much in a bag (like the TravelMate C300).

I need a dependable platform that can be updated. Not an overpriced piece of disposable electronics.

I need a company to listens to the customer (Acer?). Not a company that only offers what they perceive the customer needs (Apple). 

I need a computer that fits into my life. Not a computer that my life will not fit into.

I need an updated C100 series. NOT A GLASS RECTANGLE

I hereby offer my services



  • st3ph3nnity
    st3ph3nnity Member Posts: 220 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Here,here !



    ...and for Acer themselves..."Hear,Hear" !!!

  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    Me too!  Me too!


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