comment retrouver son mot de passe

léo Member Posts: 1 New User

Afin de restaurer mon système défaillant, j'aimerais retrouver le mot de passe nécessaire pour la manoeuvre. Mot que je n'ai plus.

Merci d'avance


  • ElizabethS
    ElizabethS Member Posts: 845 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Hello leo

    We are happy you have joined the Acer Support Forums.
    The Acer Community is a global peer to peer support forum where users share their experiences and expertise with Acer products.

    Because of the multi-national nature of our community, we have asked that users post in English only, as that is the most common language to all users. By doing this, our members are more likely to get a response to their question, and those answers will be available to the entire community as a resource.

    You may find some useful information here:

    Understanding Passwords and how Acer can help when..



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