Putting XP Pro on Aspire M5610

dshawleycett Member Posts: 1 New User
Hi everyone

I'm new on here and I'm also a dunce at computers, so I hope you can help me. I have a 6 years old Aspire M5610 which cam preloaded with the newly released Vista. It's been OK but recently I developed a blue screen/crashing problem, and despite trying system restore I couldn't get rid of it, and it became more and more frequent. In desperation I decided to overwrite Vista with a genuine copy of XP pRofessional I had from an earlier pc.

This has loaded fine, with the exception that I don't have access to the Internet, which makes getting it all set up right impossible. I have been passed around by Acer and Microsot, thought the latter did eventually point me towards some Acer drivers which ought to help. I don't know which ones to natal though. Acer told me I couldn't do it and even when I gave them this link have not been helpful, so I thought somebody here could help ?

This is the link Microsoft found:

Please visit this web link for downloading the drivers: http://support.acer-euro.com/drivers/notebook/as_5610.html

On checking my Device Manager, the position is as follows:

Opposite a Yellow Question
Ethernet ControllerSmiley Very Happyrivers not installed (Code 28)
PCI device: ditto
Unknown device:ditto
Video Controller (VGA compatible):ditto

Opposite a blue screened monitor, All are ok except
Direct memory access controller (no drivers installed)
Motherboard resources, ditto
Numerical data processor, ditto
Programmable interrupt controller, ditto
System board, ditto
System speaker, ditto
System timer, ditto

Can anyone help with some simple advice/instruction, please, as to which drivers from those provided via the link above, do I need to install to get my system up and running properly. And how do I go about it?

Many thanks indeed if you have got this far and are able to help.

Cheers, dshawleycett
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