Has Acer support been contacted by Microsoft concerning the use of the "_BIF" method on Notebooks?

ajhiker Member Posts: 2 New User

The Power Management (ACPI) on Aspire 6920-6508 Notebook I own does not work. It was upgraded from Vista 64 to Windows 7 Ult. Having used the Acer supplied drivers, the Power Management (ACPI) does not work. The capacity and last full charge are wildly over reported.  Having researched is I have found that the  _BIF method must be used in the firmware for Power Management to work on Windows 7. I purchased two replacement batteries because of all of the denials by Microsoft only to find Article ID: 981200  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/981200/en-us on thier web site !  I am certain that many people have been buying extra batteries so the battery companies are happy but your Notebook customers that have upgraded are not! Acer wants repeat customers, so would Acer Support department please promptly issue a firmware upgrade to fix the Power Management problem? A Note to Acer HR: Please hire more hardware techs. Your Support Department may be short handed.  Thank you for  any and all help and support you may offer.  ( and please tollerate my humor).

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