Acer PHN16-71 black screen and USB Error during gaming, tried reinstalling drivers and Windows

vulong197 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 28 in Predator Laptops

hello, i own 2 acer phn16-71 in vietnam, 1 for me to use, 1 for my younger brother. recently, both of these laptops have the following problem: when entering the game LoL, valorant,... the laptop will flash black screen, then there is a sound like when you remove the usb from the device, and the device will report an error as attached below

  • i have tried reinstalling the driver, reinstalling windows,.. and the problem is still not improved
    has anyone encountered this error or has experience fixing this error?
    my configuration: PHN16-71. i5 13500HX/ 4060
