How many nits is the screen of the Acer Aspire 7 A715-76G-560W

Тімоха Member Posts: 1 Newbie
edited 12:18AM in Aspire Laptops


Сколько нит екран у Acer Aspire 7 A715-76G-560W хочу точно знать перед покупкой много источников пишут что плохой екран а много что он хорошый яркий некоторые пишут 250 нит некоторые 300


How many nits is the screen of the Acer Aspire 7 A715-76G-560W I want to know exactly before buying many sources write that the screen is bad and many that it is good and bright some write 250 nits some 300

[Edited the content using Google translator]
