Acer Randomly using Trackpad to click on its own in its Acer Swift Go 14

istubedmytoe Member Posts: 2 New User
edited 3:29AM in Swift and Spin Series

My Acer Swift Go 14, that I've had for about half a year, will at random times place the move the courser over to the taskbar and be clicking really quickly however in the gap between clicks it will return the courser to its original place. I turned off the touchscreen because I thought that was the problem and it was fixed for a while until yesterday where the problem resurfaced. It for some reason stopped when I closed and reopened my computer. I've also plugged my computer into a sperate monitor and had it dual-screen and it will move the courser over from the main monitor to the screen of the laptop to click in the corner. It is also oddly specific with where it clicks and is consistently in the bottom middle. This has been a pain to work with and I hope anybody has a solution. I'm happy to answer any questions about the computer if anybody needs.

[Edited the thread to add model number to the title]
