PredatorSense not installing on my PH18-71-756U, how to fix keyboard lightning issues?

boffc130 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited 2:48AM in Predator Laptops

Hello, I have a Predator PH18-71-756U laptop, about a year old. The PredatorSense app never worked right but I didn't worry about it, I just kept working (I use this for CAD, not for gaming). A few weeks ago I decided to uninstall and reinstall. Without looking online first, I uninstalled the predatorsense executable file, but I also uninstalled another predatorsense file without checking to see what it was.

I then tried to reinstall PredatorSense but it would not install correctly (I could not open it). I started looking online and found a couple of articles that said not to uninstall this other predatorsense file because it would mess up the registry information.

So now what do I do? I really only need it to control the keyboard lighting. It is in a default blinking state and I can't change it to a static color. Is there another way to access keyboard lighting? If so I won't bother with the predatorsense reinstall.

I'm not very software savvy. Would a repair install of Windows 11 help? I am hesitant to do that because I don't want to re-do any configurations just to get the keyboard lighting changed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,422 Trailblazer
    edited March 5

    To uninstall PS completely you need to go to Control Panel > Uninstall a program and uninstall both PS files that are listed, I don’t know what you did as you never ever uninstall a program from within C:\ drive Program Files, if you did that then have a look at PF and see if there are any PS files left over and delete them all and then make sure that both PS files listed in Control panel are also deleted and reinstall the PH18-71 last PS version 4.1.635 as it should install and work. Good luck and hope this helps you out, as PS should work on your PH18-71 laptop. B

    Below is an exciple of my PHN16-71 latop which should be the same as your PH18-71 laptop.

    First delete the Control Panel PS listings

    Then delete the C;| Program Files, PS folder and then reboot the laptop before installing the new PS

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍

  • boffc130
    boffc130 Member Posts: 3 New User

    While I am not a software expert, I do know enough not to delete folders in the program directory as a way of uninstalling a program. I uninstalled predatorsense from the "Programs and Features" window. I uninstalled the predatorsense installer as well as the predatorsense config file. I read later that I should not have uninstalled the config file.

    When I install the downloaded PredatorSense file from Acer by starting the setup.exe file in the download, I get the install progress window and it finishes. But when I then try to open PredatorSense by pressing the dedicated key on the keyboard, nothing happens.

    When I look at the programs and features, there is only one file, predatorsense installer. The config file that was previously there is not there.

    When I go to C:\Program files as your post directed, there are no predatorsense folders to delete. When I uninstall the (non-working) predatorsense installer file, the C:\Program Files\predatorsense file directory is deleted.

    Based on information I read online, I believe the key is the predatorsense config file that I originally deleted along with the predatorsense installer file. I believe I need to somehow get that program back. It does not install when I use the predatorsense installer setup.exe file.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,850 Pathfinder


    Does the Predator Sense work when you try to search for the app and open it?

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • boffc130
    boffc130 Member Posts: 3 New User


    I don't see it when I search. It doesn't show up in the apps list after the install finishes. It seems like the install never quite finishes, even though the installer window tells me it is finished. There's also no option to create a desktop icon during the install, but that may just not be a thing it does.

    Thank you for trying to assist.