TC-1785-2 x HDMI on the back, 1 USC on the front, 6 USB on the back connect 3 x Lenovo L27T1-40 moni

TaniaM Member Posts: 1 New User

Please Help!

I have an Acer TC-1785, and it has the following -

2 x HDMI on the back

1 USC on the front

6 USB on the back

I want to connect 3 x Lenovo L27T1-40 monitors (I currently have 2 connected and working fine)

What do I need to do (I have no idea when it comes to computers and the local computer shop tends to sell people something they don't need so I want to go in with exactly what I need)

Thank you so much :)

[Edited the topic title to include the topic issue.]