Elite Dangerous Odyssey – "No Stereo Profile Available" When Launched via TrueGame

Therm6 Member Posts: 1 New User

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble running Elite Dangerous Odyssey in 3D using Acer SpatialLabs TrueGame. I’ve purchased Elite Dangerous through Steam, and the executable is located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64\EliteDangerous64.exe

TrueGame doesn’t automatically detect Elite Dangerous Odyssey, so I attempted to add it manually by browsing to the above executable.

When I try to launch the game through TrueGame, I get the error message “no stereo profile available.”

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Confirmed that I’m running the latest TrueGame driver/package (it's updated as it's opened)
  • Manually added the game executable to TrueGame’s library.

Has anyone encountered this issue before with the Odyssey version? Are there any known workarounds, such as editing or replacing the profile file?

Thank you for reading this :)
