Drivers for Aspire VX5-591G are gone. How can I retrieve the drivers?
Hi, I need the drivers for my Acer Aspire VX5-591G but they're suddenly gone.
Why's that? How can I retrieve the drivers? Does anyone have a copy of the last version of the drivers that were removed?
I'm sure they were there just a couple of weeks ago. The drivers worked perfectly fine.
Now, I needed to reinstall Windows again and I can't find the drivers anymore. Just the VGA ones.
I can't understand just why remove the drivers? I have a mobo from 2006 that still lists the drivers and Acer just took the drivers out of the support page for a laptop that is still perfectly capable from 2017?
[Edited the thread to add issue detail]
There can be glitch in your area. Check below link from US-.
Alternatively, Just run windows update and it will automatically install recommended drivers like VGA driver you talking about.
If i were you, I would first visit nvidia official driver site and get lastest version of driver for this gpu. If this didn't work or cause any incompatibility then i should use VGA by acer.
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