Acer Nitro v15 games run only from batteries & does not want to work from the network.

Tulupov_Yevhen91 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited January 28 in Nitro Gaming


Є проблема, ноутбук не хоче працювати від мережи, игри запускаються тільки від батареіб . Підскажить що робить як далі жить)


There is a problem, the laptop does not want to work from the network, games run only from batteries. Will tell you what he is doing and how to live further

[Edited the content using Google translator]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,536 Trailblazer

    Якщо справа в карті Wi-Fi і її драйвері, то зробіть це;

    Перейдіть до Диспетчера пристроїв > Мережеві адаптери > Карта MEDIATEK або Intel Wi-Fi > клацніть правою кнопкою миші карту Властивості > Драйвер > Оновити драйвер > Пошук драйверів на моєму комп'ютері > Дозвольте мені вибрати зі списку доступних драйверів на моєму комп'ютері >, а потім вибрати останній і найновіший датований драйвер Wi-Fi, який є в цьому списку, і перевстановити цей драйвер, як після цього ваш Wi-Fi повинен працювати.

    Якщо вищезазначене не допомогло, повторно інсталюйте драйвер Wi-Fi. Успіхів.

    If it’s the Wi-Fi card and its driver then do this;

    Go to Device Manager > Network adapters > MEDIATEK or Intel Wi-Fi card > right click the card Properties > Driver > Update Driver > Browse my computer for drivers > Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer > and then pick the last and most recent dated Wi-Fi driver that is in that list, and reinstall that driver, as afterwards your Wi-Fi should work.

    If the above doesn’t work reinstall the Wi-Fi driver. Good luck.

    Якщо це відповідає на ваше запитання та вирішило ваше запитання, будь ласка, "Натисніть "Так" або "Натисніть на Подобається", якщо моя відповідь буде вам корисною👍

  • Axxo
    Axxo Member, Ally Posts: 1,321

    I am really sorry for the inconvenience.   Let us do the basic steps first.

    Doing the power drain and bios defaults will really help.  Kindly follow the steps given below:

    Kindly go through the details from the link given below

    Turn off the laptop. Disconnect or unplug the charger cable, devices or any other cables connected to your laptop. Close your laptop. Turn it upside down.  On the bottom of the laptop, you can find a  pin hole. It is a tiny hole. You can a find a battery symbol indicator next to the hole. It is like a + and – sign symbol as though somebody is trying to shift the battery out. Insert the pin on to the hole for 30 seconds. Remove the pin. Flip the laptop. Connect the charger cable, turn on the computer.  Only on laptops where the battery is inbuilt you can find the battery reset hole on the back of laptop.

    If you don’t find a pin hole on the back of laptop then you might be using removable battery. There is no need to unscrew anything to remove the battery.  Turn off the laptop. Disconnect or unplug the charger cable, devices and any other cables connected to your laptop. Close your laptop. Turn it upside down.  On the bottom of the laptop, please look at the top or bottom depending on the way you look at it. You can find a long door. It is a battery removable door.  Just below that you can find a latch.  If you move the latch you can remove the battery door. Once the battery is removed, flip the laptop. Open the top cover, press and hold the power button for 1 minute. Connect the battery back on the back of computer. Connect the charger cable back and then turn on the computer. 
    If you don’t see a reset pin hole on the back of laptop or if you are not able to remove the battery (if it is inbuilt) then please unplug all the cables and devices out of laptop.   Hold the power button for 1 minute.  After releasing the button you should wait a while before plugging in power. Just because the button has been pressed doesn’t bleed off all the residual electricity on the motherboard. Wait 15-30 minutes before plugging in power. Then once power is connected wait for a full battery indication before turning the system on. That allows the battery to fully reset it’s internal statistics.

    Connect all the cables back and restart the computer.  

    While turning on the computer, tap f2. It will go to bios. Press f9 once. It will show load bios defaults with a yes or no popup. Press enter. Popup screen will disappear.  Press f10 once. It will show save changes popup with yes or no. Press enter. Computer will restart and it will load into windows.   
    It might also be the issue with battery, charger or power outlet.   Try to use the charger in a different room on a different power outlet.  Try to bypass the surge protector and connect it directly to power outlet.    Try to use an alternative charger if possible.    Try to turn on the computer without the charger and check it  ( as long as the battery is not drained out )  

    Try windows x 
    go to device manager 
    expand Battery
    right click on all the items below battery – uninstall 
    Restart the computer 
     It should work fine.


    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful.