SN does not exist and SNID indicates another laptop for Acer TMB113-E010072G32akk model: V1VCC

cr1s Member Posts: 1 Newbie

Hello everyone!
I want to upgrade the RAM on a small laptop, Acer TMB113-E010072G32akk model: V1VCC, but I need to know more details about it. We are talking about a well-known manufacturer, so I accessed the site and searched for SN, without result, next I tried with SN but surprise, the laptop is a model SFG14-71 which has the same SN as the one on my laptop.
How can something like this happen? I don't understand anything anymore. I thought I would check directly on the manufacturer's website, where (theoretically) I have all the data about the laptop, but it seems that I am failing.
