FPS drops and lag on Predator PH315-54 with Gigabyte G34WQC A external monitor. Need help

RamPc7 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited January 24 in Predator Laptops

I have an issue with my Laptop (Acer Predator PH315-54) and my External monitor (Gigabyte G34WQC A) where FPS drops through display port 1.4 or HDMI between 30fps to 50fps and display get stuck/lag during game play.

Issue is not presented if I use my laptop screen or another external Monitor, example an Asus monitor VG24VQ.

Some troubleshooting that I have done:

  • I used different cables (Mini Display port and HDMI)
  • I connected a different laptop to my Monitor and it provided from 120 fps to 144 fps.
  • I connected my PC in another monitor using same cables and I was able to get normal FPS.
  • I uninstalled my laptop drivers and reinstalled them with no changes. NVIDIA Cleanup Tool (CleanupTool.exe) from link https://developer.nvidia.com/cleanup-tool

So it has to be something in my Laptop with this specific monitor that is causing this problems and I’m running out of ideas.

The Predator has an RTX 3060 and latest NVIDIA drivers.

Some websites mentioned to disabled MSHybrid mode but the option is not available on the model I have.



Any help or comments will be appreciated.
