SpatialLabs Go works only with activated window? That is an absolute show stopper...

CopCobretti Member Posts: 13


Hi, on my 2nd day of trying the PSV27-2 I encountered an absolute show stopper.:SpatialLabs Go works only when the window is fullscreen (ok…) AND activated (what a bad joke). Which effectively means that I cannot use my second screen when I watch a full sbs movie (e.g. for surfing) or want to play via VRto3D where the actual game has to run on a 2nd screen and the VR SBS emulation runs on the 3D screen.

That doesn't make any sense at all, Acer. Let me put whatever I want on the screen (multiple windows, activated or not activated) and let me decide if I like the Spatiallabs Go result or not.

Like this I prefer my LG polarized setup where I am not limited to 162 game profiles (and only the "3D Ultra" ones are amazing, but the selection of games is questionable) but can put anything on the screen like 3D ISO via PowerDVD and enjoy AAA titles like Wukong or Eldenring in 3D.

If anybody has a hint for me how to work around this totally unnecessary activated window thing please let me know.

From a technical PoV I would love to keep it but the software / usability is killing it for me in this state.

Without a quick solution I will return the device.

Looking forward to your help :-)


  • CopCobretti
    CopCobretti Member Posts: 13


    edited January 4

    Ok, after hours of research with also good hints from this forum, I managed to find solutions for both problems.

    1) Gaming: SpatialLabs Go can be "replaced" by using Reshade ⇒ "3DGameBridge by Janthony & DinnerBram" and in my case also 3DToElse.fx to switch the eyes
    Link: Scroll to the section "SR (Simulated Reality) Displays (only if you need this output format)"

    2) Movies: 3D ISOs can be played (after mounting the ISO) via Potplayer ⇒ Open ⇒ BluRay (using the "Built In Direct3D 11 Video Renderer" then the Full SBS picture can be played via SpatialLabs Go (STRG + G)

    With these workarounds I could probably arrange myself and keep the screen. Of course it would be nice if Acer provides more "out of the box" solutions for the normal customer.

    I hope my compiled findings help anyone :-)

    And if you have some more tricks and tweaks please share them.

  • CopCobretti
    CopCobretti Member Posts: 13


    Hi Pearce, I meanwhile encountered many useful posts by you e.g. also on Reddit :-) Thanks for the tip with the registry entries!

    In this post you made some comments that make me curious

    Quote "Install Game bridge to vrcompositor.exe. Reverse the 3d in the headset window to get the pop out. In VRto3D config file set the window height and width to 4k."

    I installed Reshade ⇒ Gamebridge to vrserver.exe and it's working fine. Is it recommended to do the same for the vrcompositor.exe? What is the advantage?

    How do you reverse the 3D in the headset window? I am using Reshade ⇒ 3DToElse.fx but maybe I overlooked an easier way.

    What do you mean with the pop put? As per my experience swapping the eyes is not enhancing an pop out effect but essential to get it working at all if it's the other way around. Is there any other trick besides the ingame key for depth and seperation to achieve any popout effect?

    The settings in my VRto3D config default_config.json are looking as follows. Is this correct?

    "window_width": 3840,
    "window_height": 2160,
    "render_width": 1920,
    "render_height": 1080,

    Thanks again for your help!

  • Pearce39
    Pearce39 Member Posts: 87 Fixer WiFi Icon

    Your welcome!

    Nope you only need to add game bridge once it doesn’t really matter which exe you install to as it’s just putting the files in that folder.

    You don’t have to reverse it anymore that was for an older version and was an older post also you don’t need to swap the eyes with 3dtoelse the only reason you might need 3dtoelse is if you need to change another 3d format to side by side. Nope there is just depth and convergence it’s all you need the pop out is awesome just disregard that as it was an old post for an older version.

    Yes the config settings is correct by running the render at 1080p you are reducing the load on your system I prefer to do it this way instead of 4k

    Enjoy your SpatialLabs!
    It’s really an awesome piece of tech