Warm smell at the bottom of the laptop while turning it ON. Acer AL 14-13, Please advise

rahmayanti Member Posts: 1 New User
edited December 2024 in Aspire Laptops


Jadi saya punya laptop terus karena jarang terpakai jadi suka lupa menghidupkan laptop saya,lalu malam tadi saya mencoba menghidupkan kembali laptop saya, pas awal - awal aman tidak ada kendala, lalu karena baterai nya sedikit lagi saya mencoba untuk menchargernyaa awal - awal aman tapi saat saya ingin melihat baterainya tiba - tiba ada suara di pinggir laptopnya bagian charger lalu tiba - tiba mati dan bau hangit di bagian bawah laptop, jadi sarannya gimana saya masih pelajar dan beli laptop juga pakai uang orang tua, apakah harus segera di lakukan pengecekan terhadap laptopnya apakah bisa di tunda dulu beberapa minggu tapi karena jarang di gunakan juga laptopnya apakah aman di tunda beberapa minggu, tolong sarannyaa 🙏🏻


So I keep having a laptop because I rarely use it so I forget to turn on my laptop, then last night I tried to turn my laptop back on, when it started it was safe, there were no problems, then because the battery was running low I tried to charge it early - it was safe but when I want to see the battery, suddenly there is a sound on the side of the laptop, the charger, then suddenly it turns off and there is a warm smell at the bottom of the laptop, so what advice do I have? I'm still a student and bought a laptop using my parents' money, should I immediately check the laptop? Can it I will postpone it for a few weeks, but because I rarely use the laptop, is it safe to postpone it for a few weeks, please advise

[Edited the content using Google translator]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,032 Trailblazer

    Periksalah ke Layanan Acer di negara Anda, jika masih dalam garansi, mungkin saja semut/serangga masuk ke dalam kipas atau CPU yang perlu dibersihkan, tetapi bisa jadi ada sesuatu yang lebih serius dengan rel daya jadi jangan gunakan dan sertakan adaptor daya untuk pemeriksaan.

    Have it checked by Acer Services in your country, it is still under warranty, maybe just ants/insects got in the fan or on the CPU that needs cleaning, but it could be something more serious with the power rail so don't use it and include the power adapter for checking.