Aspire 7 a715-79g-Query about my laptop abruptly shutting down

Dietcoke2006 Member Posts: 9


edited December 2024 in Aspire Laptops

After just two months, my laptop Acer Aspire 7 a715-79g abruptly began to be sluggish and shut down without warning or notification this morning as I was working on a school assignment. I have attempted several methods to turn it on, but it just won't turn on no matter what I do. It stopped charging as soon as it shut down, and I'm afraid of what might happen as a result of this situation. It came as quite a surprise to me because this has never happened to me before, even prior to this I had a acer laptop which lasted for almost 10 years with no such issues. I, then opened it up as as found something outrageous,so, I was keen on knowing if this is fixable or not and please don't pay too much attention to the thermal paste application


[Edited the topic title to include model number]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,501 Trailblazer
    edited December 2024

    Your Aspire 7 A715-79G should be under Acer warranty and you should not have opened this laptop up like you did, as that area where those capacitor are, looks like its got liquid/moisture damage and that shorted those capacitors out, which is NOT covered by the Acer warranty. You need to take your laptop to an experienced technician that knows his stuff and can diagnose the exact problem and clean that mobo area and replace those chips for the laptop to work again, its a simple job and should be cheap to fix. Good luck and hope this helps you out.

    As you can see in the caption those capacitors have been affected by moisture in the darkened area and that is where this laptops problem is.

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  • Dietcoke2006
    Dietcoke2006 Member Posts: 9


    @StevenGen hey I am afraid I couldn't respond sooner. I will likely get my laptop fixed from a local tech Shop but I wanted to clarify something, could this have happened Brr I used to use throttle stop to control speed shaft and msi afterburner

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,501 Trailblazer

    No, throttle stop software shouldn't damage the mainboard circuitries like that, that short of circuitries is on your laptop main power rail and its damaged capacitors that are probably welded onto the mainboard layer itself and will need major surgery a with a grinding tool to recover and reconnect the board traces and reinstate the laptops power rail. This works is specialist work, I don't know what country you are in, but there is a guy just outside London Britain Sorin Electronics contact him as he specializes in this type of work and is very good at fixing a shorted and damaged mainboard like yours if there are no technicians in your country that can do this. Good luck and hope you sort this out.

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  • Dietcoke2006
    Dietcoke2006 Member Posts: 9


    @StevenGen I will hopefully find someone who can fix this for me but this would a rather difficult job.

    One more question, is this possible the adaptor is at fault here. I can't seem to find a reason why this happened in the first place

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,501 Trailblazer

    No, the adapter has nothing to do with these sorts of faults, as an adapter if it sorts out, its got a safety switch that turns it off automatically and stops any current from going to the laptop, these sorts of faults are very unfortunate things that happen to mainboards if they encounter any moisture or their capacitors, condensers of mosfet are faulty and overheat (especially on a power rail where there is 19.5V that cooks them) and they can even catch fire. As I've said above, the only fix is to get a technician who can fix these sorts of mainboards faults to fix yours or you will have to replace the mainboard with a new board. Good luck.

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