Win 11 installation problem in acer nitro 5. How to proceed in this case?

Herdys Member Posts: 2 New User
edited December 2024 in Nitro Gaming


ahojte, chcel by som preinštalovať svoj notebook (acer nitro 5 obsidian black). Ntb som kúpil bez OS a teda prvotnú inštaláciu OS som spravil bez problémov. Teraz by som chcel (po vyše roku používania) preinštalovať OS 11 cez bios aby som aj vyčistil disk ale pri inštalácii v kroku kde mám vybrať disk na ktorý má byt win nainštalovaný mi neukazuje moje SSD iba USB kde mám samotnú čistú inštaláciu. Viete mi s tým prosím poradiť ako postupovať v tomto prípade ? Ďakujem krásne.


hi i would like to reinstall my laptop (acer nitro 5 obsidian black). I bought the Ntb without an OS, so I did the initial OS installation without any problems. Now I would like (after more than a year of use) to reinstall OS 11 through the bios to also clean the disk, but during the installation in the step where I have to select the disk on which win should be installed, it does not show me my SSD, only the USB where I have the clean installation itself. Can you please advise me how to proceed in this case? Thank you very much.

[Edited the content using Google translator]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,344 Trailblazer

    Aké je presné číslo modelu vášho notebooku? Rovnako ako pri všetkých inštalačných USB-och Win-11, musíte mať pre svoj notebook na tomto USB verziu ovládača "IRST (Intel® Rapid Storage Technology)", aby ste sa dostali na "Kam chcete nainštalovať Windows? > Načítajte ovládač > inštalácii tohto ovládača IRST pre váš notebook, pretože potom sa zobrazí váš disk M.2 SSD a môžete nainštalovať Win-11 24H2 a všetky jeho aktualizácie, aby ste mali poslednú zostavu operačného systému 26100.2605 z decembra 2024. tak to urobte, pretože takto nainštalujete Win-11. Ak to ukazuje zavádzaciu jednotku M.2 SSD @ C:, potom je váš M.2 SSD chybný, pretože sa nedá zistiť, takže vezmite disk M.2 SSD a vyčistite jeho kolíky a zástrčky základnej dosky a znova nainštalujte disk a skúste to znova. Veľa šťastia a dúfam, že vám to vyjde.


    What is your exact laptop model number? As with all Win-11 installation bootable USB you need to have the “IRST (Intel® Rapid Storage Technology) Driver version” for your laptop on that USB so that when you get to “Where do you want to install Windows? > Load driver > you install this IRST driver for your laptop, as then your M.2 SSD drive will be shown and you can install Win-11 24H2 and all its updates to have the December 2024 last OS build 26100.2605. so do that as that is how you install Win-11. If that dosent show the M.2 SSD boot drive @ C:\ then your M.2 SSD is faulty as it can’t be detected, so take the M.2 SSD drive ouit and clean its pins and mainboard pin plugs and reinstall the drive and try again. Good luck and hope this works out for you.

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍

  • ahoj
    Prejdite do systému BIOS a vypnite radič VMD, to je to, čo som urobil na svojom notebooku, ktorý je odlišný od vášho modelu, takže uveďte celý názov modelu.

    Go to BIOS and disable VMD controller, that's what I did in my laptop which is different model than yours, so please post the full model name.

  • Herdys
    Herdys Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited December 2024


    ahojte, dakujem za rady problém som vyriešil podľa videí na youtube tým že v samotnej inštalácii win 11 (kedže bola čistá) chýbali ovládače takže som stiahol originál ovládač pre základnú dosku a disk a už to šlo.


    hello, thanks for the advice, I solved the problem according to the videos on YouTube by the fact that the drivers were missing in the win 11 installation itself (since it was clean), so I downloaded the original driver for the motherboard and disk, and it worked

    [The message was translated using Google translation]