Acer Aspire V3-571G GT 730M Error code 43

17seventeenrain Member Posts: 3 New User

The power went out in the house when my Acer Aspire V3-571G laptop was running. When the power came back on, I noticed that the system started to lag, I went to the device manager and saw a Code 43 error on the GPU GT 730M. I tried reinstalling drivers and Windows, nothing helped. I think to reinstall VBIOS but I can not find it for this card. maybe someone has such a VBIOS, or who knows how to solve error 43 without it.

in GPU-Z is all zeros.
The laptop BIOS shows the video card and its VBIOS
GPU: NVidia GeForce GT 730M
VBIOS: nVidia N14P-GE REV80.
