Nitro AN515-46 BSOD video_dxgkrnl_fatal_error (113) while playing games PART 2

t_andrew_c Member Posts: 7


I have posted about this problem like 2 weeks ago, I did get some answers on how I could try to fix it, it seems those didn't help sadly. I don't get this BSOD often, is not bothering me that much, but is still an issue I want to fix. Here is the first post I made about this

Nitro AN515-46 BSOD video_dxgkrnl_fatal_error (113) while playing games. — Acer Community

You guys can check out the suggestions I got and based on those, if you have other ideas on how I could solve the issue, I will gladly try them out. This will probably be my last try on this issue and I will mostly take my laptop to a repair shop if I can't solve this on my own. If you want any other info from me, be free to request it.