Acer Aspire R5-471T Battery swollen (thickness). Is it caused by keeping it plugged in?

MSFletch Member Posts: 1 Newbie
edited 2:57PM in Aspire Laptops

My Acer laptop's battery has seemed to have swollen in thickness over time, putting pressure on the laptop's case (bulge). I took the back off and removed the battery, and replaced the keyboard (a few bad keys). (Note I usually leave the charging cord connected, thinking there was something regulating the need for charge, etc)

Is this bulge a normal thing with this Acer? Or was it caused by leaving it plugged in?

Will the battery go back to normal size unplugged, or do I need a new one? Laptop seemed to work on battery only just before opening the case.

If replacing, is there a suggested battery, or possibly a thin version of the battery?

Online dimensions show replacement batteries to be just under 1 inch thick (.932)