Acer Aspire E1-571 Installers not received after Email request. Need Assistance

Samulksy Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 14 in Aspire Laptops

Hello Acer,

I have an Acer Aspire E1-571 portable computer and I am trying to download the installers for the programs responsible for improving the equipment's performance. To do this, I am accessing the official website:
However, I am experiencing a persistent error that prevents the installers from downloading. I have already consulted the Acer support center via WhatsApp and was informed that I must request the installers by email to, as support for this model has already ended.
I ordered the installers via email at, but I haven't received the installers yet. The email response time is 2 business days, and today is two business days after my request.

I am attaching documents and images that illustrate the problem. To resolve it, I used a VPN, but the error persists.
I request that the installers be sent as soon as possible as the situation affects your computer usage.
I await the solution to this problem.
Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Samuel Cícero Santiago

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]
