Acer Swift Go 14 - Touchpad Update Error (Loop update)

nael_lilik Member Posts: 1 New User
edited October 2024 in Swift and Spin Series


Saya mengalami kendala pada touchpad saya.
Tiba-tiba update firmware touchpad saya berjalan sendiri dan muncul semakin banyak. Jendela update nya.
Setelah saya buka task manager dan saya stop service nya dan saya tunggu updaternya menutup dengan sendirinya, akhirnya touchpad saya normal kembali.
Untung enggak rusak, kan sedih klo rusak.
Belom ada 1 bulan pakai.


I'm having problems with my touchpad.Suddenly my touchpad firmware update ran on its own and appeared more and more. The update window.After I opened the task manager and stopped the service and waited for the updater to close by itself, finally my touchpad returned to normal.Luckily it wasn't damaged, it would be sad if it was damaged.Haven't used it for 1 month yet.

[The message was translated using Google Translation]


  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    edited October 2024

    Disable updating drivers with windows update.

    Nonaktifkan pembaruan driver dengan pembaruan windows.

    Windows 11 —>

    Windows 10 —>

    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • fathahnoor
    fathahnoor Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited January 25

    Saya juga mengalami masalah yang sama, sudah seminggu ini updatenya belum selesai juga dan jendela update yang muncul bertubi-tubi di tengah layar sangat mengganggu.

    I also experienced the same problem, it's been a week since the update has not been completed and the update window that appears continuously in the middle of the screen is very annoying.