PT18-71 - Even more BSODs, straight out of the "repaired" box

PaulT64 Member Posts: 11


10 days ago, I started getting BSODs on my 5-6 month old PT18-71, then the SSD fried itself. It went back to an "Acer Repair Centre" where they replaced the SSD And sent it back yesterday as fixed. However, all it does is boot, hang, BSOD, then continue in the same vicious circle. On one of the few times I managed to get into Windows and do anything before it froze, I got Acer Care Centre running but it wouldn't do a repair. I can't get ALT-F10 to do anything on boot either (it just ignores it and tries to boot straight into windows). Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? I've messaged Acer again but they don't appear to work weekends.