Spilled coffee on the keyboard of my Acer Nitro V15 laptop. Will it cause problems with my laptop?

azaleaa Member Posts: 1 New User
edited October 2024 in Nitro Gaming


saya memiliki masalah yang lumayan serius pada leptop saya

saya membeli leptop Acer Nitro V15 sekitar 5 bulan yang lalu, dan pada 4 hari yang lalu saya tidak sengaja menumpahkan segelas kopi ke atas keyboard leptop saya

pada saat tertumpah itu saya langsung reflek membalikkan leptop agar es batu dan genangan air segera jatuh dari permukaan keyboard, namun saya hanya membalikkan selama semenit setelah itu saya balik seperti semua. saya lap air itu dengan tisu mulai dari sela sela, permukaan, layar, dan kipas yang ada di dekat layar

setelah itu saya nyalakan dan masih berfungsi, tapi itu merupakan suatu kesalahan

hari ini setelah 4 hari dari kejadian, saya mencoba memainkan leptop saya dan ternyata ada beberapa tombol yang lengket, diantaranya yaitu tombol J, N, K, koma, dan spasi. saat saya pencet ke 5 tombol itu, terasa lengket. namun saya rasa sudah tidak ada lagi air di dalamnya melainkan kering. saya biarkan saja

apakah itu akan menimbulkan masalah pada leptop saya? apakah keyboard saya berpotensi akan rusak? apakah motherboard saya masih aman? dan apakah saya perlu membawanya ke teknisi untuk ditindak lebih lanjut?


I have a fairly serious problem with my laptop. I bought an Acer Nitro V15 laptop about 5 months ago, and 4 days ago I accidentally spilled a cup of coffee on my laptop keyboard.

When it spilled, I immediately reflexively turned the laptop over so that the ice cubes and puddles of water immediately fell from the surface of the keyboard, but I only turned it over for a minute and then I turned it over like everyone else. I wiped the water with a tissue starting from the gaps, the surface, the screen, and the fan near the screen after that I turned it on and it still worked, but that was an error

Today, after 4 days of the incident, I tried playing on my laptop and it turned out that there were several buttons that were sticky, including the J, N, K, comma and space buttons. When I pressed the 5 buttons, it felt sticky. but I think there is no more water in it but it is dry. I just let it go.

Will it cause problems with my laptop? Is there the potential for my keyboard to be damaged? is my motherboard still safe? and do I need to take it to a technician for further action?

[Edited the content using Google translator]


  • Spilling coffee on your Acer Nitro V15 can lead to potential damage, especially if the keys are sticky. Sticky keys may indicate residue from the coffee, which can cause further issues if not cleaned. Internal components, like the motherboard, could be at risk of corrosion, particularly if liquid reached them. It's advisable to avoid using the laptop until it has been properly assessed. Taking it to a technician for cleaning and evaluation is recommended to prevent long-term damage and ensure safety.

    Liquid spills, including coffee, are generally not covered under warranty by Acer. Most warranties exclude damage caused by liquid, as it is considered user-induced damage. If your laptop has suffered a spill, it's advisable to seek professional cleaning and assessment, but you will likely incur repair costs since the warranty won't apply in this case.

    you should still visit an Acer service center. Given the coffee spill, it's crucial to have professionals assess and clean the internal components to prevent potential long-term damage. Official centers have the expertise and access to genuine parts, ensuring your laptop is properly serviced. While local shops may offer quicker service, they might not provide the same level of care or warranty protection for repairs related to liquid damage

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  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,381 Trailblazer
    edited October 2024

    Hanya beberapa saran tambahan untuk Anda seperti yang saya harap ketika Anda menumpahkan es kopi dan Anda segera membalikkan laptop, bahwa setelah tumpahan Anda mematikan laptop dari tombol daya saat terbalik dan mengeluarkan steker adaptor/pengisi daya dari laptop dan mematikan kunci daya, karena yang paling penting adalah mematikan semua daya laptop karena itulah yang merusak sirkuit dan bukan tumpahan kopi manis!

    Catatan: bahwa tumpahan cairan TIDAK TERCAKUP dalam garansi Acer untuk laptop baru seperti Nitro V15 ANV15-51, yang saya sarankan agar Anda lakukan adalah terlebih dahulu membeli Pembersih Papan Sirkuit Elektronik dan kemudian buka laptop Nitro ANV15-51 Anda dan keluarkan Huruf Besar di tempat keyboard berada dan bersihkan semua kopi manis "hanya air hangat bersih" (air murni adalah cairan terbaik untuk menghilangkan gula) dan kemudian tombol keyboard dan mainboard dengan pembersih sirkuit, karena kopi manis ini akan berjamur dan akan merusak sirkuit mainboard Anda terutama di Indonesia yang begitu panas dan lembab.

    Semoga berhasil dan semoga ini membantu Anda, karena saya berbicara dari pengalaman pribadi karena saya telah membersihkan laptop yang rusak dalam cairan berkali-kali untuk teman dan diri saya sendiri, dan metode di atas bekerja 100% jika laptop tidak rusak pada sirkuit dari cairan. Jika ya, maka Anda perlu membawa laptop Anda ke teknisi di daerah Anda sehingga mereka dapat menganalisis kerusakan cairan dan memperbaiki sirkuit yang terkena laptop Anda.

    Just some additional advice for you as I hope when you spilled the iced coffee and you immediately turned the laptop over, that after the spill you turned the laptop off from the power key when it was upside-down and took the adapter/charger plug out of the laptop and turned the power key off, as the most important is to turn all power off to the laptop as that is what damages the circuitries and not the spill of the sugary coffee!

    Note: that a liquid spill is NOT COVERED under the Acer warranty for a new laptop like the Nitro V15 ANV15-51, what I suggest that you do is to first buy an Electronic Circuit Board Cleaner and then open your Nitro ANV15-51 laptop and take the Upper Case out where the keyboard is and clean all the sugary coffee “clean warm water only” (pure water is the best liquid to get rid of sugar) and then the keyboard keys and mainboard with the circuit cleaner, as this sugary coffee will get mouldy and will damage your mainboard circuits especially in Indonesia where its so hot and humid.

    Good luck and hope this helps you out, as I’m speaking from personal experience as I’ve cleaned out liquid damaged laptops many time for friends and myself, and the method above works 100% if the laptop does not have damaged to the circuitries from the liquid. If it does then you need to take your laptop to a technician in your area so that they can analyse the liquid damage and fix your laptop affected circuitries.

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍