Swift 1(SF-114-32) boots from EFI shell into BIOS, can’t change boot order

emhop Member Posts: 5


edited October 2024 in Swift and Spin Series

For months now my Acer Swift 1 boots into EFI. I have to type in “exit” in order to get to BIOS manager but it’s not the full menu. I actually can’t get to the full BIOS at all, tried all the methods. Once I get to the manager I select Windows Boot Manager and I’m able to access my stuff. I just wanna know if I can fix it in any way or it’s just gonna be stuck like that. I remember it had happened a few years back randomly again and it fixed itself randomly too. Attaching photos of what I see.

[Edited the topic title to include model number]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,513 Trailblazer

    What is your Swift 1 exact model number e.g. and like SF113-31 etc etc as the easiest way to get to the bios is through the windows operating system or by the way Acer instructs to get into the BIOS Setup Utility and to do this:

    A hardware configuration program built into a computer’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System).

    Preconfigured and optimized so users do not need to run this utility. If configuration problems occur, users may need to run Setup. Refer to Chapter 4, Troubleshooting when problem arises.

    To activate the BIOS Utility, press F2 during POST when prompted at the bottom of screen.

    The default parameter of F12 Boot Menu is set to disabled. To change boot device without entering BIOS Setup Utility, set the parameter to enable.

    To change boot device without entering the BIOS SETUP, Press during POST to enter multi-boot menu.

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  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,689 Trailblazer

    Can you not just move Windows boot manager to the top of the boot devices with F5/F6 or Arrow up and save changes on exit BIOS?

  • emhop
    emhop Member Posts: 5


    My model is SF-114-32. The problem is the F2 option doesn’t work, it just takes me to EFI as usual.

  • emhop
    emhop Member Posts: 5


    It doesn’t work! It’s the first thing I tried 😅 The arrows just change the current selection, the normal F5/6 option doesn’t do anything.

  • emhop
    emhop Member Posts: 5


    It doesn’t work! It’s the first thing I tried 😅 The arrows just change the current selection, the normal F5/6 option doesn’t do anything.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,659 Trailblazer

    Yes, you can only select in the boot menu, not change the order. What is shown in the BIOS on the boot tab?

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  • emhop
    emhop Member Posts: 5


    I can't get to the full BIOS so I can't get to the boot tab either. The only thing I can get to is that boot option menu I attached in my OG post.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,659 Trailblazer

    Is there any chance there is a stuck key stopping you from entering the BIOS? You should be able to reach the BIOS even when the EFI itself isn't yet loaded. You get the EFI shell when there is no EFI file to initialize the boot, which might be pointing at a failed drive. If you take a Windows install flash drive, created on a different computer, put it into a USB port and boot to the boot menu, do you have it listed? If so the best next step is to boot from it and use the Repair mode to get to a command prompt and look at your drives. The Swift 1 SF114-32 models (note no extra - between SF and 1) came with SSDs, but they could be eMMC (soldered to the motherboard), SATA in an M.2 slot or NVMe in the same M.2 slot. eMMC drives have a relatively short life in comparison to the other SSDs, though at four years old it's a little early for one to be failing…

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