Integrated camera not found error in Acer Swift 3 SF314-512 & System firmware error

ajayduddi119 Member Posts: 6


edited September 2024 in Swift and Spin Series

I getting the Integrated camera not found error after the Windows update. I face the problem from 15-sep-24. I follow the some methods to solve the issue. reinstalling the driver, updating windows, but the problem was not solved. so reverse the Windows update using windows restore point. after that the camera is working fine. but after restarting the laptop i getting this error.

I checked my camera cable, and it was good. After some installed software updates it works fine. Again Restart the computer i face the blank screen issue. there is no warnings in the device manager. I thought it was a software issue, so I reinstalled my Windows, which has advanced options in windows updates. after that, i faced a new issue

please somebody helpme

@Acer #Acer #AcerSwift3 #InteratedCamaraError #firmwareError


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    First, try doing that BIOS update from the Acer support site download instead of from Windows update.

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