Yasokral12367 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited October 2024 in Nitro Gaming


05.2023 tarihinde model NG-AN515-58 Nitro-5 12. Nesil RTX3050 8GB Acer laptop aldım. Almış olduğum 4 ay içerisinde laptopta oyun oynuyor ve düzenli kullanıyordum. 4. aydan sonra bilgisayarda aniden donmalar, kasmalar başladı; ekran bir anda kilitlenip donuyor ve mavi ekran hatası veriyor, açılmıyor. Uzun süre ne oyun ne de normal şekilde cihazımı kullanamıyorum 2023.10 ve 11.cı aylarda Acer teknik servise yolladım. 2 kere BIOS atıldı, BIOS ayarlandı; donanımsal sorun yoktur diyorlar. Her yollamamdan beri sorun devam etmektedir. Kaç ay geçti, cihazımı düzenli kullanamıyorum. Hiç bir şekildede düzelme olmadı cihazımı son kez teknik servise yollayacağım eğer sorun düzelmezse garanti kapsamında Hem Acer firmasından hemde teknik servisten yaşattığı mağduriyet dolayı [Content Removed] atacağım video ve belgelerde mağduriyetim mevcuttur cihazımın sorunun giderilmesini ve bir an önce düzeltmesini talep ediyorum.

Acer yetkili kişilerden mağduriyetimin giderilmesini istiyorum


On 05.2023, I bought a model NG-AN515-58 Nitro-5 12th Generation RTX3050 8GB Acer laptop. Within the 4 months I bought it, I was playing games on the laptop and using it regularly. After the 4th month, the computer suddenly started freezing and crashing; The screen suddenly locks and freezes, gives a blue screen error and does not turn on. I cannot play or use my device normally for a long time. I sent it to Acer technical service in 2023.10 and 11 months. BIOS was flashed twice, BIOS was adjusted; They say there is no hardware problem. The problem persists every time I send it. How many months have passed, I cannot use my device regularly. There was no improvement at all. I will send my device to the technical service for the last time. If the problem is not resolved, [Content Removed], due to the victimization caused by both the Acer company and the technical service within the scope of warranty. .I want Acer authorized people to resolve my grievance.

[The message was translated using Google Translation]

[Edited the thread to hide sensitive content]

Best Answer

  • Ingrid-Inactive
    Ingrid-Inactive Inactive Posts: 3,612


    Answer ✓

    Hello Yasokral12367,

    I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with the repair center. I want to clarify that the Acer Community is a peer-to-peer platform where users can support one another, rather than a direct support channel. While our moderators and administrators don’t have direct access to accounts to assist you, I’d be happy to escalate your case to the local support team if you haven't yet contact them.

    I’ve sent you a private message requesting some additional information. Please check your inbox at your convenience.

    Best regards,



  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,873 Pathfinder
    edited September 2024

    bu windows 10 mu yoksa 11 mi?


    is this windows 10 or 11?

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  • Yasokral12367
    Yasokral12367 Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited October 2024


    Windows 11 kurulum cihaz 2 kere teknik servise verdim düzelmedi 27 Eylül'de 3 kez vermiş oldum bu sefer cihaz düzelmezse tüketici mahkemesine gideceğim cihazı kullanamıyorsun cihazda sürekli donma kapanma ve mavi ekran hatası veriyor laptop donuyor kasıyor sürekli çözüm bekliyorum lütfen.


    I gave the Windows 11 installation device to the technical service twice, but it did not get better. I gave it three times on September 27, and if the device does not get fixed this time, I will go to the consumer court. You cannot use the device. The device keeps freezing, shutting down and giving blue screen errors. The laptop freezes and lags. I am waiting for a solution, please.

    [The message was translated using Google translation]

  • Ingrid-Inactive
    Ingrid-Inactive Inactive Posts: 3,612


    Answer ✓

    Hello Yasokral12367,

    I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with the repair center. I want to clarify that the Acer Community is a peer-to-peer platform where users can support one another, rather than a direct support channel. While our moderators and administrators don’t have direct access to accounts to assist you, I’d be happy to escalate your case to the local support team if you haven't yet contact them.

    I’ve sent you a private message requesting some additional information. Please check your inbox at your convenience.

    Best regards,


  • Yasokral12367
    Yasokral12367 Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hello, Ingrid-Acer

    thank you for your interest. I will get back to you. I will gladly wait for your support. I believe that you will solve my problem. Best regards.