Screen replacement under warranty

Nikhils1 Member Posts: 14


My laptop is in warranty and i want to replace my display because of some problem in it and it is also in warranty , so i want to know that does i get the original display or the refurbished one i mean does my quality degrade after it or not. i mean it is exactly same as i already have or the downgrade one.

Best Answer

  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 13,376 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Nikhils1 As far as I know, Acer replaces its parts with original models that are identical or equivalent to the one the computer has, so the quality should not worsen. In any case, you should consult Acer when you open the warranty claim.


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  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 13,376 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Nikhils1 As far as I know, Acer replaces its parts with original models that are identical or equivalent to the one the computer has, so the quality should not worsen. In any case, you should consult Acer when you open the warranty claim.


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