How to add extra lighting modes in predator sense (helios 16)

Cesarhaoll Member Posts: 11


edited September 1 in Predator Laptops

I have a helios 16 and the recent predator sense update took away some of the lighting modes that were present.

I wanted to know if there is any way for me to add new lighting modes, the spot one to be exact. If from the previous files present in the previous predator sense updates or something like that.

[Edited the thread to add model number to the title]


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,067 Trailblazer

    Try this. Press WIN+R. Enter 'services.msc'. Right click & select "properties" of AcerDisplayBacklightController service. Click general tab. Change startup type dropdown to Automatic (Delayed Start) . Click start service button. Click OK. Test if missing modes reappear,

    Jack E/NJ